Wednesday 9 March 2016

Social Media presence of USPS

USPS stands for United States Postal Service. It is first established in 1775. Today USPS helps sort out hundreds and thousands of mail by computerized equipment each day. USPS is the second largest federal department or agency of The United States of America.
Social Media Presence:
USPS uses social media websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to interact and provide information to its customers.
The following is the follower base of USPS on different social media websites.
·        Facebook: 454,697
·        Instagram: 143,047
·        Twitter: 629,000
·        LinkedIn: 9235
Logo of USPS:

·        Twitter is the main social media platform used by USPS to interact with the people
·        They provide information on their newly introduced services and apps through social media
·        USPS posts updates multiple times in a week to maintain interaction with its customers.
The following screenshot shows the image of its page on Twitter website:

Example of a post made by USPS on Twitter:
The following post of USPS on twitter shows the promotion of their website to use multiple tools to customize their mail by creating an account with USPS.

We can conclude that USPS is very active on social media and promotes itself to maintain interaction with its customers standing as one of the best postal systems in North America.

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