Wednesday 9 March 2016

Social media presence of CanadaPost

Canada Post:
The first Canadian post office was opened in 1753 at Halifax. It is officially recognized in 1868.
The service is opened by Benjamin Franklin who is a Philadelphia post master.
Recently a stamp featuring Benjamin Franklin was introduced in the year 2013 on June 10. It resulted in some controversy due to the protestors lacking knowledge about the relation between franklin and Canada Post.
After laying the railway line in 1836, it helped the Canada Post mailing service to move mail faster.
Social Media presence of Canada Post:
Canada Post uses social media responsibly and respectfully. It operates on different social media websites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
Canada Post alone on Facebook is followed by 90000 members while being followed by 32000 members on LinkedIn and 1200 members on Instagram.
Logo of Canada Post:

·        Canada Post uses Facebook as its main social media platform to interact with people.
·        News like delay in deliveries in particular state due to weather and changes made in the mode of business are usually posted on Facebook.
·        Canada Post updates information on social media websites almost 5-6 times in a week
·        When the members require info about services they are either directed to their official links to help them or approached by providing a hot line number to provide precise information.

Example of a post on Facebook:
Usually people would be worried about their mail which is supposed to be delivered to their address while they are out of city. The following post made by Canada Post organization provides a link to webpage where customers can hold their mail while they are on vacation.

From the above information stated we can conclude that Canada Post uses social media responsibly and respectfully to provide important information and safety regarding mail delivery on social 

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